In partnership with Asendia, RetailX has published the USA 2020: E-commerce Country Report - essential reading for any e-tailer who wants to gain a comprehensive understanding of this vast and sophisticated market.
As partners of RetailX, Asendia are delighted to be able offer the full report, valued at €499, as a free download to all e-tailers. Non-retailers can purchase the report directly from RetailX.
This latest report offers a complete overview of e-commerce in the USA - arguably the world’s leading market. Learn how e-tailers with a finger on the pulse can capitalise in a country with an incredible logistical infrastructure and an appetite for cross-border purchases.
The report also features an in-depth interview with Asendia’s Product Manager, Yvette Hooites, who shares her expert insights on what’s most important to US e-shoppers and much, much more:
“Flexibility in delivery will be really important in the future. More options will be developed so that the shopper can receive delivery where and when they want it.” Yvette Hooites, Product Manager, Asendia |
The birthplace of e-commerce, America saw the first ever online purchase back in 1972. Not much happened for a while after that until the mid-90s when brands like Amazon and eBay took off, changing the way we would think about shopping forever.
Since then, the USA has dominated global e-commerce on most metrics and has consistently led the way in terms of technology.
US consumers are tech savvy and trusting when it comes to online shopping. A whopping 265 million of them spent more as individuals last year ($2,773) than the citizens of any other nation. Couple that with a real ease of doing cross-border business and it is plain to see that the USA simply cannot be ignored by ambitious e-tailers.
Want to know more? Read the USA 2020: E-commerce Country Report. With detailed insights on US consumers, including their shopping expectations and delivery preferences; essential economic facts, stats and trends; and vital logistical considerations for cross-border traders, this comprehensive yet concise report reveals everything you need to know about e-commerce in the USA.
E-tailers - See a full list of the USA 2020: E-commerce Country Report’s contents and download your free copy today!